Ethos and Vision

The Trust’s ethos - ‘Believe, Succeed, Together’ – is an unwavering belief that all pupils can and will succeed and this will be achieved together.

The Trust’s vision is to provide sustainable, high quality educational provision, standards and outcomes in local schools.

Trust Level 

  1. Continue to improve governance within the Trust.
  2. Ensure financial security and sustainability to enable continued improvement and growth.
  3. Build a strong infrastructure in the Trust to support sustainability of standards and growth in line with the DfE’s Implementing School System Reform.
  4. Continue to improve the quality and capacity of leadership and emerging leadership.
  5. Continue to improve staff wellbeing and retention and reduce sickness-absence.
  6. Continue to improve attainment and progress.
  7. Continue to improve the standard of teaching and learning.
  8. Continue to improve attendance, punctuality and behaviour.
  9. Continue to improve pupils’ Personal Development and Enrichment (PDE) opportunities.
  10. Continue to take every opportunity to celebrate and value success.

 School Level

  1. To provide opportunities for all primary pupils to achieve:
  • Good Level of Development (GLD) at Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
  • Required Standard (WA) in Year 1 Phonics.
  • Expected Standard (EXS) at KS1.
  • Expected Standard (EXP+) at KS2.
  1. To provide opportunities for all secondary pupils to achieve:
  • Expected Progress at KS3.
  • 9-4 in GCSE English and Mathematics.
  • English Baccalaureate (EBacc).
  • Expected Attainment 8 (A8).
  • Expected Progress 8 (P8).
  1. To provide environments in which all pupils feel proud of their academy, shown by their excellent behaviour, attitude to learning, attendance and punctuality. 
  2. To provide safe and secure environments in which all pupils are able to thrive and any concerns they have are dealt with promptly and effectively.
  3. To provide learning environments in which the majority of teaching is outstanding and never less than consistently good.
  4. To provide opportunities for all pupils to develop high levels of literacy appropriate to their age.
  5. To provide opportunities for all pupils to develop high levels of numeracy appropriate to their age.
  6. To provide environments in which all pupils are able to broaden their education through a range of SMSC opportunities.
  7. To provide environments in which every opportunity is taken to celebrate and share success.
  8. To provide opportunities and experiences for all pupils so that they are well equipped for the next stage in their education, training or employment.

Click here for the Trust Development Plan 2022-2025


